1. Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station, Nature Reserve of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the South Seas, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the South Seas, Russian Academy of Sciences
The study is focused on the ecological and physiological properties, production, and biochemical characteristics of the diatom Nitzschia amabilis. The optimum salinity (35‒36‰), illumination (2.95 klx), and photoperiod (14 h) at which the highest specific cell growth rate is achieved was determined. The coefficient of light saturation (Ik) was calculated and turned out to be lower than one, which indicates the high energy efficiency of photosynthesis. The results of experiments on salinity showed the ability of the alga to grow in the range of 4–68‰, indicating its relatively broad euryhalinity. The biochemical composition of N. amabilis during acumulative cultivation was studied. In general, polyunsaturated fatty acids predominated in the studied strain; eicosapentaenoic, arachidonic, and docosahexaenoic acids were dominant. The main share of saturated fatty acids consisted of palmitic acid. The productivity indicators of N. amabilis in relation to lipids, fucoxanthin, and PUFAs, which were 2.5–3 times higher in the flow cultivation mode than in the cumulative mode, have been established.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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