Diatoms in Surface Sediments of the Academy Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk


Tsoy I. B.1,Prushkovskaya I. A.1


1. Ilyichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


The study of diatoms in the surface sediments of the Academy Bay (Sea of Okhotsk) revealed a rich diatom flora (187 species and intraspecific taxa), represented mostly by marine and brackish water species. The predominance of benthic-planktonic and benthic species indicates a significant role of microphytobenthos in the Academy Bay. The diatom assemblages distinguished with the use of cluster analysis are homogeneous in their taxonomic composition, but differ in ecological structure, which is mainly determined by water salinity. The concentration of diatoms in the sediments in the open part of the Academy Bay and in the apex of the Ulban Bay depends on a high productivity of waters and the lithological composition of sediments. A relatively low content of diatoms in the sediments is associated with the severe climatic conditions of the region that is close to the Arctic.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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