1. Grebenshchikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Irkutsk State Transport University
The mechanochemical activation of zeolite (clinoptilolite and clinoptilolite–stilbite) rocks with acidic salts—sodium hydrogen phosphate and ammonium hydrogen phosphate—with the weight ratio of the initial components of 1 : 1 in an IVS-4 vibratory attritor (1500 rpm, 0.6 kW, specific power 4 W/g, steel grinding set) is studied. The structure, chemical and phase composition, and thermal stability of salt-modified zeolite samples are studied by infrared spectroscopy, atomic emission spectrometry, X-ray phase analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry. The specific volume resistance of pelletized samples is measured using a three-electrode circuit. It is established that the electrical conductivity of high-silica zeolite rocks modified with sodium and ammonium hydrophosphates is 2.2 × 10–6 up to 2.4 × 10–5 S m–1 at 25°C. It is shown that the mechanochemical activation of clinoptilolite and clinoptilolite–stilbite rocks with sodium hydrogen phosphate in a vibratory attritor at a mechanical energy dose of 2.4 kJ/g increases the conductivity of mechanically activated zeolites by factors of 140 and 470 at 25°C, and by factors of 30 and 490 at 100°C, respectively. This allows us to consider mechanochemical activation as a promising method for improving the electrical properties of mineral materials.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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