Cluster Self-Organization of Intermetallic Systems: Clusters-Precursors K4, K6, and K7 for the Self-Assembly of Crystal Structures Y20Cu20Mg64-oC104, Y20Cu20Mg52-oC92, and Y3(NiAl3)Ge2-hP9


Shevchenko V. Ya.1,Ilyushin G. D.2


1. Grebenshchikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 199034, St. Petersburg, Russia

2. Federal Research Center “Crystallography and Photonics”, 119333, Moscow, Russia


Using computer methods (ToposPro software package), a combinatorial topological analysis and modeling of the self-assembly of the following crystal structures are carried out: Y20Cu20Mg64-oC104 (a = 4.136 Å, b = 19.239 Å, c = 29.086 Å, V = 2314.45 Å3, Cmcm), Y20Cu20Mg52-oC92 (a = 4.097 Å, b = 19.279 Å, c = 25.790 Å, V = 2037.30 Å3, Cmcm), and Y3(NiAl3)Ge2-hP9 (a = b = 6.948 Å, c = 4.156 Å, V = 173.78 5 Å3, P-62m). For the Y20Cu20Mg64-oC104 crystal structure, 52 variants of the cluster representation of the 3D atomic network with the 3, 4, and 5 structural units are established. Four crystallographically independent structural units in the form of a tetrahedron are determined: tetrahedron K4 = 0@CuMg3, tetrahedron K4 = 0@YMg3, tetrahedron K4 = 0@YCuMg2, and a supratetrahedron K6 = 0@YCu2Mg3. A variant of self-assembly with the participation of hexamers from six linked structural units is considered (K4B+ K4C)(K4A+ K6)(K4B+ K4C). For the Y20Cu20Mg64-oC92 crystal structure, 27 variants of cluster representation of the 3D atomic mesh with 3, 4, and 5 structural units are established. Three crystallographically independent structural units in the form of a tetrahedron are determined: tetrahedron K4 = 0@YCuMg2, cluster K6 = 0@6(Y2Mg4) in the form of double tetrahedrons YMg3, and a nine-atom supratetrahedron K9 = Mg@Y2Cu2Mg4 consisting of two YMg2Cu and two YMg3 tetrahedrons. A variant of the self-assembly involving trimers of three structural units K4+ K6+ K9 is considered. For the Y3(NiAl3)Ge2-hP9 crystal structure, eight variants of decomposition of the 3D atomic mesh into cluster structures with the participation of two structural units are established. A variant of the self-assembly with the participation of packing generatrices of seven-atom clusters-precursors K7 = 0@Y3(NiAl3) with the participation of Ge atoms-spacers is considered. The symmetry and topological code of the self-assembly processes of 3D-structures is reconstructed from clusters-precursor in the following form: primary chain → layer → framework.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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