Otsenka effektivnosti vozdeystviya plazmennykh potokov na poverkhnost' stali 30khgsa pri nanesenii elektrodugovykh vakuumnykh ionno-plazmennykh pokrytiy


Petrov L. M1,Grigorovich K. V2,Betsofen S. Ya3,Smirnova A. N1,Sprygin G. S2,Gordeeva M. I3


1. National Institute of Aviation Technologies (NIAT), Moscow, Russia

2. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

3. National Research University Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia


The technological influence effectiveness of plasma flows on the treated surface of 30HGSA steel during electric arc vacuum ion-plasma (EVIP) treatment was evaluated by measuring the surface relief, volt-ampere characteristics, the values of the surface potential, as well as using short-term corrosion tests to experimentally determine the chemical activity of the surface. It is established that when treated with an independent gas discharge with an increase in the reference voltage, the surface cleaning efficiency increases, however, the distortion of the relief and the energy state heterogeneity of the surface increase. It is shown that when processing using the "Plugus" module, high cleaning efficiency and activation are achievedsurfaces with a moderate level of relief distortion and a more uniform energystate of the surface. As a result, a reproducibility higher level of the service properties of coatings is provided.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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