Issledovanie vozmozhnosti pererabotki kaolinovykh glin Suvorovskogo mestorozhdeniya s polucheniem koagulyantov


Balmaev B. G1,Tuzhilin A. S1,Vetchinkina T. N1,Zablotskaya Yu. V1


1. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences


The mineral and chemical compositions of the Suvorov depositkaolin clay have been studied using X-ray phase and atomic emission spectrometry with induction plasma. The conditions of thermal calcination and decomposition of kaolin clay with sulfuric and hydrochloric acids are optimized: the calcination temperature is 650-700 °C; the calcination duration is 60-90 minutes. The extraction degree of Al2O3 from calcined clay into sulfuric acid solutions was 92-94%, into hydrochloric acid solutions — 76-78%. The effect of different flocculants on the separation of liquid and solid phases is investigated. It is shown that the use of polyacrylamide increases the filtration rate by 1.5—2 times. The coagulating properties of aluminum sulfate and hydroxochlorides were studied: oxidizability, color, concentration of aluminum and iron in the treated water. The tested coagulants can be effectively used in the purification of drinking and wastewater at low and high temperatures in a wide pH range of treated waters.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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