Razrabotka metodik i eksperimental'nykh ustanovok dlya opredeleniya teploemkosti zhelezorudnykh materialov


Yur'ev B. P1,Dudko V. A1


1. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin


One of the most important thermophysical pellets characteristics is considered — their heat capacity, which affects the technological production process of iron ore pellets at the stage of their heat treatment in a layer on a conveyor belt. Since the physical heat capacity of materials is determined by the enthalpy value, the mixing method is used to measure the latter, which is implemented on an installation with an adiabatic calorimeter. The research object is Kachkanar pellets of different basicity. The average values of the pellets enthalpy and their physical heat capacity, taking into account changes in the phase and chemical composition of the material, are presented in the interpolation equations form. The temperature dependences of the apparent heat capacity of pellets of various basicity at different heating rates were determined using a newly created experimental setup that allows determining the complex of thermophysical characteristics. Estimates of the enthalpy change and the dependence of the apparent heat capacity on temperature for fluxed and unfluxed concentrates of Sokolovsko-Sarbaysky mining and processing plant were carried out on an experimental installation using the method of quantitative thermal analysis. The presented methods for determining the enthalpy and heat capacity of iron ore pellets and concentrates, as well as the designs created for the implementation of these methods can be used to determine the heat capacities of various materials of metallurgical production and to optimize the operating parameters of their heat treatment.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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