1. MIREA – Russian Technological University
2. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
A vector method for recording phase-dynamic radio images is proposed by forming and numerically analyzing the S-parametric scattering matrix of multidisciplinary signatures of material media and objects. The key advantages of aperture capture of signal radio images by the method of frequency-synthesized power spectral density function of a scattered wave radio profile are determined. On the basis of a vector analyzer of microwave circuits and broadband antennas of the Vivaldi type, an experimental laboratory installation for signal registration of time-scale radio images in the spectral region of 0.03…6.0 GHz has been built. The dependences of the influence of the angular characteristics of the object on the spectral-temporal structure of the formation of phase-dynamic radio images have been experimentally established. As a time-scale postprocessing of radio images, a method of cepstral transformation of S-parametric characteristics with convolution of basic signatures in the radiogenic of the irradiated object is proposed. A series of cepstral convolutions of phase-dynamic radio images was obtained, establishing a functional relationship between the change of the signature of an object in time with its radio genome.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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