1. Belotserkovsky C.M. Thin Lifting Surface in a Transonic Flow of Gas. Мoscow: Nauka, 1965. 243 p. (in Russian)
2. Belotserkovsky C.M., Nisht M.I. Separated and Non-Separated Flow around Thin Wings by the Non-Viscous Fluids. Moscow: Nauka, 1978. 351 p. (in Russian)
3. Loitsyanskii L.G. Mechanics of Liquids and Gases. N.Y.: Pergamon, 1966. 816 p.
4. Belotserkovsky C.M., Lifanov I.K. Method of Discrete Vortices. Boca Raton (Florida): CRC Press, 1992. 464 p.
5. Lifanov I.K. Method of Singular Intergral Equations and Numerical Experiment in Mathemati-cal Physics, Aerodynamics, Theory of Elasticity and Wave Diffraction. Moscow: Yanus, 1995. 520 p. (in Russian)