1. Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. Course of Theoretical Physics. in 10 vol. Vol. 7. Theory of Elasticity. Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2003. 264 p. (in Russian)
2. Rzhanitsyn A.R. Theory of Creep. Мoscow: Stroiizdat, 1968. 418 p. (in Russian)
3. Rzhanitsyn A.R. Some Questions of the Mechanics of Systems Deforming in Time. Moscow: GITTL, 1949. 248 p. (in Russian)
4. Strikwerda J.C. Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Differential Equations. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Soc. for Industr.&Appl. Math., 2004. 439 p.
5. Evans L.C. Partial Differential Equations. 2nd ed. Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., 2010. 749 p.