On the distributional History of Bullfinches (<i>Pyrrhula</i>, Passeriformes, Aves)


Ivushkin V. E.1


1. “ZooGallery” Animal Care Center, Irkutsk Regional Public Organization


Over the past hundred years, constant uncertainty has been observed in establishing the taxonomic status of individual forms of bullfinches, one that has been developed throughout the history of their study. The lack of information has prevented almost all researchers who worked on bullfinches from coming to generallly accepted conclusions. This has not changed even as a result of the use of molecular genetic methods. To analyze the current situation, three key publications are considered, on which the modern understanding of the history of phylogenetic interactions of closely related forms of the bullfinch genus Pyrrhula in the process of their evolution is based. The hitherto accumulated data and the taxonomic system of the genus are proposed to be re-evaluated on the basis of modern knowledge and new approaches to research. A reconstruction of the historical events in the distribution of bullfinches is advanced. Alternative options and additional tools for determining the pathways of distribution, as well as the terms and mechanisms of their formation are discussed.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

Reference83 articles.

1. Бабенко В.Г., 2000. Птицы Нижнего Приамурья. М.: Прометей. 724 с.

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3. Виноградова Н.В., Дольник В.Р., Ефремов В.Д., Паевский В.А., 1976. Определение пола и возраста воробьиных птиц фауны СССР. Справочник. М.: Наука. 189 с.

4. Глущенко Ю.Н., Нечаев В.А., Редькин Я.А., 2016. Птицы Приморского края: краткий фаунистический обзор. М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК. 523 с.

5. Дементьев Г.П., Гладков Н.А., Судиловская А.М., Спангенберг Е.П., Бёме Л.Б. и др., 1954. Птицы Советского Союза. Т. 5. М.: Советская наука. 803 с.








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