1. Scientific Research Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine
In experiments on rats, the participation of co-mediators of the sympathetic nervous system in the suppressive effect of deep cooling on the antibody-forming function of the spleen was studied. Studied: 1) the effect of deep cooling (decrease in deep temperature by 3–4°С), 2) the introduction of the mediator of the sympathetic nervous system norepinephrine (NE, 1 mg/ml), 3) its co-transmitter ATP (0.01 mg/ml and 10 mg/ml) and 4) P2X-purinergic receptor blocker PPADS on the number of antibody-forming cells of the spleen in response to immunization with sheep erythrocytes. Deep cooling as well as ATP inhibited, while NE stimulated antibody formation in the spleen. Blockade of P2X-purinergic receptors by PPADS stimulated antibody formation in the norm. Against the background of blockade of P2X-purinergic receptors, the inhibitory effect of ATP and deep cooling on antibody formation was not manifested. The results obtained indicate the opposite effects of co-mediators of the sympathetic nervous system on antibody formation in the spleen and suggest that the inhibitory effect of cold on antibody formation in the spleen occurs with the participation of ATP through P2X-purinergic receptors.
The Russian Academy of Sciences