Assessment of Radioecologically Relevant Radionuclides 14C, 99Tc, and 129I in Vitrified High-Level Nuclear Wastes from Spent Fuel Reprocessing


Chukhlantseva E. V.1,Stepanova O. V.1,Dichenko O. Yu.1,Zaitseva T. A.1,Dzhevello K. A.1,Murashova E. L.1,Tatarnikova Yu. M.12,Belanova E. A.1,Blokhin P. A.3


1. “Mayak” Production Association, 456784, Ozersk, Chelyabinsk oblast, Russia

2. Seversk Technological Institute, National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, 636036, Seversk, Tomsk oblast, Russia

3. Nuclear Safety Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 115191, Moscow, Russia


A method is proposed for quantifying the specific activities of radioecologically significant radionuclides, including 14C, 99Tc, and 129I, in vitrified high-level wastes. The conditions for the separation and purification of these radionuclides from potential interfering components are optimized and the yield coefficients and purification factors are determined. The quantification of 14C entails a three-fold distillation in CO2 followed by the measurement of the 14C counting rate in the purified solution by liquid scintillation spectrometry. 129I was determined by dissolving a sample in HNO3, five-fold extraction, and the subsequent measurement of the 129I counting rate in the purified solution using liquid scintillation spectrometry. The determination of 99Тс included dissolving a sample in the presence of ClO–, double extraction-chromatographic separation of 99Тс with an adsorbent impregnated with methyltrioctylammonium nitrate, followed by the determination of its activity by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. We have applied this approach to a simulator of vitrified high-level waste, labeled with radionuclides, and achieved satisfactory results. This approach will be instrumental in the analysis of the accumulated vitrified high-level wastes at the “Mayak” Production Association (Mayak PA). The results will be important for modeling the engineering safety barriers of a deep disposal site for radioactive wastes.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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