1. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. El’tsin (UrFU), 620002, Yekaterinburg, Russia
The work deals with the development of an approach to the determination of chlortetracycline, which combines the preconcentration of the analyte with its subsequent determination by capillary zone electrophoresis. The conditions that ensure the lowest value of the limit of determination for chlortetracycline in aqueous solutions using a Kapel-105M capillary electrophoresis system (Lumex, Russia) are determined, i.e., temperature, time and pressure of sample injection, background electrolyte composition, and detection wavelength. It is shown that the stability of a chlortetracycline solution is maximum at a storage temperature of 0.5°С in the absence of buffer systems or in using a dilute ammonium acetate buffer solution. It is found that the recovery of chlortetracycline by strongly acidic cation exchangers KU-1, KU-2 is higher compared to that by KB-4 and KB-4P2, bearing weakly acidic functional groups. The conditions under which the recovery of the analyte by KU-1 from a phosphate buffer solution is about 90% are determined.
The Russian Academy of Sciences