Relationship between Fecundity and the Number of Vertebrae in the Roach <i>Rutilus rutilus</i> of the Rybinsk Reservoir


Komova N. I.1


1. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences


The data on the number of vertebrae in the vertebral column regions in different relative fecundity groups of roach are given. The average value of the number of vertebrae in the abdominal region turned out to be the smallest in low fecundity fishes. When comparing the average values of relative fecundity in females with different numbers of vertebrae in the vertebral column, a group of low fecundity fishes was identified. In it, individuals with 17 vertebrae in the abdominal region had a statistically significantly lower relative fecundity, and those with 16 in the caudal and a total of 40 vertebrae in the vertebral column had a significantly higher fecundity than individuals with a different number of vertebrae in these regions. In highly fecundity females, no differences in fecundity between fish with different numbers of vertebrae in regions were noted.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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