New Data on the Fauna of Dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata) of the South-Eastern Belarus


Ostrovsky A. M.1


1. Gomel State Medical University


The purpose of the study was the ecological and faunal study of dragonflies of the south-east of Belarus. New data for 38 species are reported. Three dragonfly species of them are new for this region: Erythromma viridulum, Epitheca bimaculata, Leucorrhinia pectoralis. Zoogeographically, trans-Eurasian and European dragonfly species predominate. The most numerous is the family Libellulidae. Most of the collected dragonfly species are widespread and numerous on the territory of the south-east of Belarus. Rare for the region are Sympecma fusca, S. paedisca, Erythromma viridulum, Ophiogomphus cecilia, Epithecia bimaculata, Somatochlora metallica, Orthetrum brunneum and Leucorrhinia rubicunda. The location is indicated and brief information about the distribution and ecological and biological characteristics of each species is given.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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