Zooplankton study of Lake Sevan as an indicator of ecosystem stability in the context of global climate change


Vezhnovets V. V.1,Kuraev A. V.2,Gukasyan E. Kh.3,Gabrielyan B. K.3


1. Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Bioresources

2. Laboratory of Space Geophysical and Oceanographic Studies, University of Toulouse

3. Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology National Academy of Sciences of Armenia


The state of the zooplankton community of Lake Sevan in present-day climatic conditions at a relatively stable water level has been studied. The taxonomic composition is poor, but retains the features, which are characteristic for this lake even before the beginning of the artificial lowering of water level (1938) in order to be used for energy and irrigation purposes. The lake belongs to mesotrophic in zooplankton development indicators, but in some years there is low transparency and the high values of zooplankton biomass, which is characteristic for eutrophic reservoirs. It is a consequence of an increase in water level and a possible increase in water temperature under climate change.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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