Spatio-temporal changes in the phytoplankton in Lake Baikal during late Summer. II. Biomass


Krashchuk L. S.1,Silow E. A.1,Rusanovskaya O. O.1,Shimaraeva S. V.1


1. Irkutsk State University


The results of phytoplankton biomass study in different regions of the Lake Baikal according to data of 15 expeditions from 1994 to 2013 are presented in the paper. Spatial distribution and interannual dynamics of biomass of phytoplankton in all three throughs of the lake are analyzed. The general biomass of phytoplankton during late Summer is not high. The multiyear average phytoplankton biomass equals 169 ± 5 mg/m3 for open waters of the lake. It is distributed relatively uniformly around the Southern Baikal. Higher multiyear average values are along Eastern shore in the Middle and Northern Baikal. The late summer phytoplankton biomass in Southern and Middle throughs does not differ. Average multiyear biomass of phytoplankton of Northern through is accurately lower than one for two other throws. There is no increase of biomass for any region of the lake demonstrated. The relations of general biomass of phytoplankton with water temperatures are very slight.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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