1. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences
The concentration of lysozyme in liver, kidney, spleen and serum, as well as the size of immune organs in male pike Esox lucius L. vary in different seasons of year. The enzyme concentrations in organs and serum are weakly interrelated. The organs by the absolute values of mass show a strong relationship with each other, while the correlation between their somatic indices is very weak. The size of the organs affects the concentration of lysozyme in the organs and serum. The liver plays a major role in annual fluctuations of lysozyme concentration in all the organs and serum. Kidney has a leveling effect on the concentration of the enzyme in liver and serum, whereas liver has the opposite effect. The most profound morphophysiological changes in organs and lysozyme as an indicator of nonspecific immunity coincide with the reproduction period of fish.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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