1. Samara Federal Research Scientific Center Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology
of Volga River Basin Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Togliatti State University
For the first time general quantitative (number, biomass) and structural (morphological, dimensional) indicators of bacteriobenthos in different morphotypes of bottom sediments of the lake Kandry-Kul (Republic of Bashkortostan) were determined. The total number of bacteria was 1.8–11.8 × 109 cl./ml, and the biomass was 106–1344 mcg/mL. Two types of seasonal dynamics of abundance and biomass of deep-wate and coastal bacteriobenthic communities were identified. The influence of heterogeneity of bottom sediments on quantitative indicators and morphological structure of lake bacteriobenthos is considered. The increase in pelitic and aleritic fractions in the mechanical composition of silts contributes to an increase in the total number of bacteria and the restructuring of the morphological structure of bacteriobenthos towards an increase in the number of coccous forms. The proportion of cocci increases with an increase in the percentage of saprophytes in the total number of bacteria.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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