1. Pryanishnikov All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry
2. Ulyanovsk Research Agricultural Institute, branch of Samara Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
The research was carried out in order to study the new biologics’ effect based on rhizosphere microorganisms on the yield and the spring wheat grain’s quality. The work was carried out in 2018-2020 in the Ulyanovsk region on leached heavy loam chernozem in a microfield experiment in vessels without a bottom with an area of 0.018 m2. The experiment’s scheme: Background 1: Р45К4 (control); Background 1+ Strain KL-10; Background 1+ Strain 17-1; Background 1+ Rhyzoagrin; Background 2: N45Р45К45; Background 2+ Strain KL-10; Background 2 + Strain 17-1; Background 2 + Rhyzoagrin; N45Р45К45. It was discovered that pre-sowing inoculation of spring wheat seeds with new biological preparations based on associative rhizobacteria’s strains increases grain weight by 19…22 %. The increases from the Rhyzoagrin biologics’ using on Р45К45 as a standard averaged 66 g/m2 (+13 % to Background 1), from strain KL-10-98 g/ m2 (+19 %), strain 17-1 - 113 g/m2 (+22 %). Based on NPK-one of the most common in pollination, which contains a biological product based on nitric oxide 17-1 - 80 g / m2 (+15 %). The maximum yield obtained from N90-789 g/ m2 (+51 %), from N45-647 g/m2 (+ 24 %), that is comparable to 17-1 (636 g/m2). The raw protein’s collection increased from the introduction of N90 to 80 % as a result of exposure to nitrogen nutrition, crop production, from the biological products’ usage or N45 - by 25…32 %. The nitrogen fertilizers’ using and biologics positively affected the accumulation of nitrogen consumed in the grain, increasing the nitrogen index (the share of nitrogen accumulated in the grain from its total accumulation in the crop) from 64 % to 71 %, increasing the ammonium nitrate nitrogen’s payback with the grain harvest’s growth by 52 …67 %.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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