Experimental modeling of the influence of mineral nutrition conditions on the plants of spring double


Ushakova S. A1,Tikhomirov A. A12,Velichko V. V12,Khizhnyak S. V3,Gerasimov S. A4,Gribovskaya I. V1,Surin N. A4


1. Institute of Biophysics of the Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS RF»

2. Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology

3. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

4. Krasnoyarsk Agricultural Research Institute, Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center», Siberian branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


The purpose of the study: to identify the in uence of mineral nutrition conditions on morphogenesis and absorption of macronutrients by spring barley plants of two varieties in the period from germination to earing under controlled conditions of light culture. The objects of the study were plants of double-row barley of the Takmak variety and the Salome variety. The plants were grown by hydroponics on expanded clay under controlled environmental conditions. Four variants of nutrient solutions were prepared for watering plants: variant l (the control) - Knop solution of standard concentration; variant 2 - Knop solution was prepared with 50 % concentration from its standard concentration; variant 3 - solution was prepared on the basis of Knop solution, but with 50 % of N concentration from its standard concentration; variant 4 - solution was prepared on the basis of Knop solution, but with 25 % of P concentration from its standard concentration. As a result, variants 2 and 3 showed a decrease in total bushiness by more than 30 % compared to the control. The mass of plants in variants 2 and 3 turned out to be 50 % and 35 %, respectively, less than in the control. The decrease in plant mass was mainly due to a decrease in the mass of lateral shoots. The level of consumption of mineral elements, closely related to the composition of solutions, affected not so much the chemical composition of plant tissues as the amount of plant biomass, which manifested itself in high correlations between the consumption of mineral elements and the gross content of these elements in plants with rather weak links between consumption and the content of mineral elements in plants.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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