Comparative analysis of biochemical composition of fruits of local selection and introduced cherry varieties grown in conditions of foothill Dagestan


Guseynova B. M.1


1. Federal Agricultural Research Center of the Republic of Dagestan


The results of comparative assessment of biochemical composition of cherry fruits of varieties of local selection and introduced in the conditions of the foothill province of Dagestan, contributing to the identification of priority varieties according to selection and technological characteristics and biochemical composition, are presented. The objects of research (conducted in 2015–2023) were the fruits of ten varieties of cherries: Shaten Morel, Padus Maaki, Hejman Konservnyj, Basler Adler, Verderishche Dlakenkirshche, Bella, Annaya, Shpanka Dagestanskaya, Shurinka and Podbelskaya. The nutrient profile of the fruit was evaluated by the mass concentration of sugars, acids, vitamin C, pectin and polyphenol compounds using conventional biochemical analysis methods. According to the data obtained, the varieties Basler Adler, Shaten Morel, Hejman Konservnyj, Annaya, Shpanka Dagestanskaya and Shurinka were characterized by a high content of soluble solids (RSV) – 15.8…17.4 % and sugars – 10.1…12.2 % than the reference variety Podbelskaya – 8.9 % sugars and 15.1 % RSV. The best in terms of the stock of pectin substances (0.75…0.90 %) were the fruits of the introduced varieties of cherries Padus Maaki, Basler Adler, Shaten Morel, and among the varieties of local selection were the leaders – Shpanka Dagestanskaya and Annaya. Varieties Basler Adler, Shaten Morel, Hejman Konservnyj, Shpanka Dagestanskaya and Shurinka distinguished themselves by the greatest ability to accumulate vitamin C (9.0…11.0 mg/100g), P-active substances (126.1…151.7 mg/100g) and anthocyanins (187.2…217.8 mg/100g), compared to Podbelskaya variety, in which the mass concentrations of these substances were 8.2, 109.6 and 176.0 mg/100g, respectively. The results of the study of the nutrient profile of cherry assortment made it possible to determine promising varieties (Hejman Konservnyj, Basler Adler, Shaten Morel, Shpanka Dagestanskaya and Shurinka) to optimize the industrial cherry assortment in Dagestan, use in breeding and for the production of new types of healthy foods.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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