1. Federal Scientific Centre of Agrobiotechnology of the Far East named A.K. Chaika, 692539
A comparative analysis of rice Oryza sativa L. main and lateral panicles in androgenesis in vitro on F1 plants of two hybrid combinations: L×3P and K×3P to increase the number of cultivated anthers during the season was carried out. Donor plants were grown on the growing area in metal vessels filled with soil. The main panicle was used from three L×3P hybrids and one K×3P hybrid, single lateral panicle was cut from six L×3P plants and three K×3P plants. The genotypes number was calculated as the product of the calli number with doubled haploids by 1.25. In vitro culture 2050 anthers were introduced. According to the intensity of callus formation, the number of green regenerants per callus, and the doubled haploids proportion, there were no statistically significant differences between the main and lateral panicles in the L×3P combination. In total, 215 doubled haploids lines of twenty nine genotypes were obtained, which is theoretically sufficient for breeding a new variety. On the hybrid combination K×3P, 120 doubled haploids of five genotypes were formed from one donor plant with the main panicle. There were no statistically significant differences between the main and lateral panicles. It is concluded that it is expedient to use lateral rice panicles in vitro androgenesis to create the initial breeding material. Their use makes it possible to distribute labor force over time and increase the total volume of anthers cultivated in vitro, and, ultimately, the doubled haploids number and variability of one sample. In the time absence and other restrictions, it is preferable to use the main panicle.
The Russian Academy of Sciences