On the Existence of Optimal Control in the Problem of Optimizing the Lowest Coefficient of a Semilinear Evolutionary Equation


Chernov A. V.1


1. National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod


The paper studies the problem of optimizing the lowest coefficient understood as a function with values in a Banach space, which enters linearly into an abstract semilinear pseudoparabolic evolutionary differential equation in a Banach space. For this problem, an existence theorem for an optimal control is proved. Due to the nonlinearity of the equation under study, the author uses his previous results on the total preservation of the unique global solvability (on the totally global solvability) and on the estimation of solutions for similar equations. This estimate turns out to be significant in the course of the study. As an example, the Oskolkov’s hydrodynamic system of equations is considered.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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