1. Institute of Chemistry, Federal Research Center Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Kazan National Research University of Technology
Powder lignocellulose modifiers for vulcanized rubbers were prepared from secondary paper resources (recycled cardboard) treated with TiCl4 in hexane. The diffraction patterns, IR spectra, and morphological characteristics of the materials obtained, including the geometric characteristics and length distribution of fibers, were analyzed. The content of titanium, lignin, and carbonyl and carboxyl groups and the bulk density of the material were determined. The presence of up to 5 wt parts of powder modifiers per 100 wt parts of rubber in the rubber stock favors preservation of physicomechanical properties of vulcanized rubbers both before and after accelerated thermal oxidative aging at 100°C for 72 h, enhancing the resin–metal cord adhesion and thus prolonging the operation life of the vulcanized rubbers.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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