Coastal Effect in the Horizontal Components of the Electric Field


Ismagilov V. S.1,Kopytenko Yu. A.1,Petrishchev M. S.1,Sergushin P. A.1,Petlenko A. V.1


1. St. Petersburg Branch, Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, the Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences (SPbF IZMIRAN)


The results of experimental studies of electric field disturbances generated by sources of an ionosphericorigin in the coastal zones of the White and Barents seas are presented. The data recording was performedby geophysical stations GI-MTS-1. The horizontal electric field was recorded by telluric lines ~50 mlong. The Ex component was set orthogonally to the coastline in the direction from the shore, and the Еycomponent was directed along the coastline. In the coastal strip of the sea–land contact, a zone of anomalousincrease in the amplitude of ULF variations (F 1 Hz) of the Ex component adjacent to the water’s edge wasrevealed. An additional narrow zone of anomalous amplification of the ULF variations of the electric field isobserved at a distance of ~30 m from the water’s edge. The coastal effect reaches its maximum near thewater’s edge in the coastal zone and decreases with distance from the seashore


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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