Comparison of the Efficiency of Machine Learning Methods in Studying the Importance of Input Features in the Problem of Forecasting the Dst Geomagnetic Index


Vladimirov R. D.1,Shirokiy V. R.1,Myagkova I. N.1,Barinov O. G.1,Dolenko S. A.1


1. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University


One of the promising approaches to predicting the values of geomagnetic indices is the use ofmachine learning methods. However, for the effective use of such methods, it is necessary to select essentialinput features of the problem in order to reduce its input dimension. In this paper, we consider an algorithmfor obtaining the most efficient forecasting model based on lowering the input data dimension by graduallydiscarding input features based on the following machine learning methods: linear regression, gradient boosting,and a multilayer perceptron artificial neural network. The effectiveness of the listed methods is compared;the directions of further development of this work are considered


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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