The Response of the Airglow of the Mesopause Region to Short-Term Changes in Solar Activity


Perminov V. I.1,Pertsev N. N.1,Dalin P. A.23,Semenov V. A.1,Sukhodoev V. A.1,Medvedeva I. V.14,Zheleznov Yu. A.5


1. A. M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics

2. Institute of Space Research

3. Swedish Institute of Space Physics

4. Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics

5. Russia Institute of Electrophysics and Electroenergetics


The influence of the 27-day solar oscillation on the temperature and intensity of the airglow of themesopause region based on the hourly midnight observations of the О2А(0-1) and ОН(6-2) bands at theZvenigorod Scientific Station in 2000−2021 has been studied. It is found that the response to solar activitychanges is observed in all characteristics of the atmospheric emissions both by the yearly and seasonal data.They are statistically significant for all characteristics of the atmospheric emissions in winter and only for theО2А(0-1) intensity in summer. The positive response of the molecular oxygen emission is lower in the summerthan in the winter by approximately a factor of 2. It is found that the variations in the atmospheric emissioncharacteristics are close to antiphase with a 27-day solar oscillation. At the same time, the temperatureof the emitting hydroxyl in winter undergoes oscillations with a shift by a third of the period relative to thesolar variation maximum


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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