Selection of the Solar-Diurnal Anisotropy of Cosmic Rays by Local and Global Methods


Belov A. V.1,Shlyk N. S.1,Abunin M. A.1,Abunin A. A.1,Oleneva V. A.1,Yanke V. G.1,Melkumyan A. A.1


1. Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN)


According to the data of Moscow neutron monitor, using harmonic analysis, the characteristics ofthe solar-diurnal anisotropy of cosmic rays on quiet days have been obtained for a long period from 1965 to2020. It has been established that the average diurnal variation of cosmic rays at the Moscow neutron monitoris almost completely described by two harmonics of the solar-diurnal anisotropy and does not contain signsof other influences. A comparison with the average daily characteristics of the equatorial component of cosmicrays vector anisotropy, obtained from the data of the worldwide neutron monitor network using the globalsurvey method showed a good agreement between the results of the two methods. From a comparison of localand global results, estimates were obtained for the coupling coefficients of the first harmonic of the cosmicray anisotropy for the Moscow neutron monitor, and a new experimental method for calculating the couplingcoefficients of individual detectors was proposed. The limitations of the local method, as well as the possibilityof continuing and expanding this study, have been discussed and justified


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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