Study of the delayed pumping effect in the underground laboratory by the method of correlation analysis of radon and aeroion concentrations


Bezrukov L. B.1,Karpikov I. S.1,Kazalov V. V.1,Mezhokh A. K.1,Ingerman S. V.1,Sinev V. V.12,Agafonova N. Yu.1,Dobrynina E. A.1,Enikeev R. I.1,Shakiryanova I. R.1,Yakushev V. F.1,Eroshenko Yu. N.1,Filimonova N. A.13


1. Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”

3. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology — State University (MIPT GU)


Measurements and correlation analysis of radon and aeroion concentrations in the underground laboratory were carried out. For pairs of variables “pressure — radon” and “pressure — ions”, a delayed pumping effect was found, similar to that previously observed for neutrons and gamma quanta. A simple phenomenological model explaining the results is presented. In this model, the reason for the delay is the gradual accumulation of radon in the room with a decrease in atmospheric pressure. The balance of the radon accumulation rate, the time of its radioactive decay and the characteristic time of pressure variations leads to an effective delay of 2 days between atmospheric pressure variations and radon concentration. Correlation analysis for the variables “pressure — ions” indicates that ions formed in the pores of the soil are already present in the air carrying radon to the laboratory. These ions make up approximately 21% of the total number of ions in the laboratory.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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