Fine Structures of Type-IV Solar Radio Bursts Associated with Stationary and Moving Sources


Fomichev V. V.1,Chernov G. P.1


1. Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, the Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN), Russian Academy of Sciences


Various types of fine structure in the continuum emission of type-IV radio bursts are considered asapplied to different types of radiation sources, both stationary and moving. In the case of stationary sources,the origin of the fine structure is associated both with processes in individual magnetic loops (quasi-periodicacceleration and magnetohydrodynamic waves), and with large-scale processes associated with the propagationof magnetohydrodynamic disturbances, the formation of loop arcades, and processes of discrete accelerationof particles synchronous with them, causing the pulsating nature of radio emissions. For the case of amoving source, the generation mechanism largely depends on the magnetic structure of the source (anexpanding magnetic arc or an isolated plasma cloud). In this case, the connection with coronal mass ejectionsand shock waves is also important. Secondary pulsations are explained by a magnetohydrodynamic fluctuationsource in the form of a magnetic loop or cloud. The absence of other fine structures in the continuum ofmoving type-IV bursts may be due to the critical angle of the loss cone for the excitation of whistlers


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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