1. Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI)
2. Lomonosov Moscow State University Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (MSU SINP)
In this paper, we consider the behavior of the radial distribution of the plasma pressure, magneticfield, and plasma parameter in the night sector of the Earth’s magnetosphere at geocentric distances from 7to 12 RE that are obtained using the THEMIS mission measurements. The results of measurements on theTHEMIS-D and THEMIS-A satellites on February 2009 when the satellites were near the equatorial planewere analyzed. Time intervals are identified when the plasma pressure actually did not change with a changein the distance from the Earth. It is shown that profiles with a pressure plateau can exist stably during the dayare destroyed during the period of disturbance and are restored after destruction. The role of the pressure plateauin the formation of the structure of magnetospheric current systems is discussed
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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1 articles.