Multiyear Trends of the Ion Composition and Temperature of the Mid-Latitude Lower Thermosphere


Givishvili G. V.1,Leshchenko L. N.1


1. Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences


Experimental data on measurements of the nitric oxide NO content in the mid-latitude lower thermosphere demonstrate its significant dependence on solar (and correspondingly) geomagnetic activity, which varies from undisturbed to strongly disturbed conditions up to three or four times or more. Such a dependence of [NO] on heliogeophysical factors cannot but affect the content of NO+ ions, which predominate (together with O+2 ions) at heights of 105–120 km. The analysis in the present work has confirmed this assumption: the φ+ = [NO+]/[O+2] ratio in the mid-latitude E layer of the ionosphere is indeed intricately correlated with solar activity. At the same time, data from vertical sounding of the ionosphere for 86 years of observations indicates a systematic multiyear increase of the critical frequency of the E layer (foE) at a fixed level of solar activity. Taking into account these circumstances made it possible to estimate the long-term variations of the neutral atmosphere temperature near the peak height of the E layer (hmE = 110–115 km). The calculations showed that between1931 and 2017, the annual mean temperature of the mid-latitude lower thermosphere increased at a linear rate exceeding 0.3–0.5 K/yr.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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