Ecological problems of soil science and farming


Dudkin I. V1,Zhilyakov D. I1,Dolgopolova N. V1,Malysheva E. V1


1. Kursk State Agrarian University named after I.I. Ivanov


The article noted the importance of respect for the natural environment in agricultural land use. Separate directions of human impact on the soil, plants and other objects of agroecosystems are considered. The negative role of soil erosion, which has become widespread, is indicated. Soil loses in some fields reaches 20 t/ha. In the Kursk region the 23% of arable land is eroded. Erosion leads to a decrease in the content of humus and nutrients in the soil. Measures to eliminate it are hydraulic structures, anti-erosion organization of the territory, the system of contour-reclamation agriculture, forest reclamation measures, soil protection tillage, crop rotation and others. In order to increase the soil-protective properties of the vegetation cover in crop rotations, the areas of winter crops and perennial grasses are increased. A seeded fallow is used instead of an unoccupied one. The article gives examples of creating an anti-erosion agro-environment. The reasons for the acquisition of toxic properties by the soil are considered. The main sources of toxicants entering to the soil are pesticides, mineral fertilizers and other agrochemicals. Under certain conditions crop rotation and tillage can increase toxicity. Our studies showed that the toxicity of soil under winter wheat, which was preceded by green manure fallow, was lower than when it was grown in black and seeded fallow. The positive role of both organic and mineral fertilizers in increasing the biological activity of the soil and reducing its toxicity has been established. Drawn attention to the problem of ensuring product quality and food safety. The biologization of agriculture is indicated as a necessary direction for improving the ecological state of agricultural landscapes. The biologization factors are named - crop rotation, intermediate crops, perennial grasses, the use of organic fertilizers (manure, composts, green manure, straw). A reserve for the cultivated plants protection against weeds and a possible alternative to chemical measures (the phytocenotic method) have been identified. The importance of an integrated approach in solving the environmental problems of soil science and agriculture is noted.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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