Climate change and selection features of winter soft wheat on productivity and adaptability to it


Grabovets A. I1,Fomenko M. A1


1. Federal Rostov Agricultural Research Center


The climate is changing towards aridity. “Drought resistance” has become the most important factor. By using genetic coadaptation phenomena, it has been possible to increase the potential grain yield under these conditions up to 10,7 t/ha. This is due to significant growth of the crop yield index (from 36 to 40%). It continued increase in the case of droughts is limited by the biological yield. Using the phenomenon of transgression this problem can be solved with simultaneous obtaining the genotypes with increased top weight by reducing the coefficient of water consumption in the synthesis of metabolites. Along with this value, the photosynthesis intensity is of vital importance. It is determined by such factor as the yield to leaf area ratio. When assessing the heat and drought resistance of genotype, the following marker is used: weight of grain per plant or area. The freezing resistance issue is solved by using the transgressive selection with the sources of this specification. It usually dominates in the case of gene interaction. Despite the warming phenomena, the freezing resistance is also considered. The temperature at the tillering zone depth (-18℃) is used as the core indicator. Two methods are implemented namely: transgressions when attracting the high-yielding medium winter-hardy forms in hybridization and generation of genotypes equal to the high winter-hardy parent plant, with the use of the local frost-resistance material as one of the parent plants.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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