The effectiveness of cobalt succinate in propylene glycol and glycerin composition to replenishment of energy demands for caws


Evglevskiy Al. A1


1. FGBNU Kursk Federal Agrarian Research Center


As activators of digestive processes and energy metabolism, the possibility of using succinates, in particular cobalt succinate, is justified. This is a well-known drug in veterinary medicine and dairy farming.. The indication for its use is most often due to the perversion of appetite and not only. The fact is that cobalt chloride is part of the cobalamines-that is, vitamin B-12. Just with a deficiency of vitamin B-12, the synthesis of propionic acid, the main precursor of glucose formation, that is, energy, significantly worsens. In our experiments, cobalt succinate (succinic acid salt) was used in combination with feed energetics propylene glycol and glycerin. In the course of biochemical studies, it was found that this combination provides a well-pronounced clinical effect, qualitatively improves the metabolic function of the liver. This is indicated by the positive results of normalization of triglycerides, ketone bodies, transamination enzymes- AsAt and AlAt. Normalization of the reserve alkalinity index indicated that the energy exchange goes on without accumulation of problematic lactate and ketoacids substrates. It is quite obvious that this effect is achieved by activating the aerobic pathway of energy synthesis. Activation of the aerobic pathway of energy synthesis is the most effective approach to filling the energy deficit in the body. The aerobic energy synthesis pathway is 19 times more powerful than anaerobic glycolysis. As for the application of the development in production? Then here, everything is technologically simple, economically affordable, environmentally safe and absolutely harmless to the body of animals.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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