Adaptive restructuring of grape metabolism in winter period


Kiseleva G. K1,Ilina I. A1,Zaporozhets N. M1,Sokolova V. V1,Lutsky E. O1


1. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution North Caucasian Federal scientific center for horticulture, viticulture, winemaking


In the unstable conditions of the Anapo-Taman zone of the Krasnodar Krai, the urgency of the problem of winter hardiness of grapes increases due to an increase in the average annual air temperature against the background of an increase in the frequency of low critical air temperatures in the winter. The adaptive rearrangements of grape metabolism associated with resistance to winter stresses have been studied. Objects of research: grape varieties of different ecological and geographical origin: Crystal, Dostoyny, Krasnostop AZOS, Vostorg, Aligote, Zarif. The electrophoretic separation of peroxidases in polyacrylamide gel in the studied grape varieties revealed that the quantitative and qualitative composition of isoforms changed during the winter period and depended on the variety and the influence of the stress factor. During the autumn-winter period, the varieties Crystal, Krasnostop AZOS, Vostorg revealed an increased total content of anthocyanins in (13.2-14.4 conventional units), ascorbic acid in shoots (13.7-18.4 µg/g of raw weight) in contrast to the varieties Aligote, Zarif. According to the research, it was found that the Crystal grape variety has increased frost resistance, followed in descending order by Krasnostop AZOS, Vostorg, Dostoyny. These varieties have great adaptive capabilities in unstable conditions of a changing climate and are recommended for cultivation in the Anapo-Taman zone, as well as for use in breeding as sources of frost resistance. Varieties Aligote, Zarif are singled out as less frost-resistant.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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