Several aspects of the cows viability in the Amur region


Klyuchnikova N. F1,Klyuchnikov M. T1


1. Khabarovsk Federal Research Centre of DVO RAN, Isolating Subdivision The Far East Scientific-Research Institute of Agriculture


The influence of intensive breeding of Australian Holstein heifers on their future viability and productivity in the dairy farm OAO "Zarya" (Khabarovsk region) is showed as an example. The researches determined, that the overweights of twenty-four-hours up to 400 g is the main cause of late coupling of heifers. From 3416 individuals 40,2 % had calvings in the age after 30 months. And what is more, the researches exposed the pronounced seasonal prevalence of calvings and the hightened meetings of cows with longevity (27) in the group of animals of born seasons and first calving "autumn-autumn", while there were no individuals elder than 4 calvings from 69 cows in the seasons "summer-summer". In practice, more attention should be paid to an even distribution of calvings throughout the year. It is advisable for owners of small dairy cattle farms to postpone summer calving to the autumn-winter season, which will significantly increase the economic efficiency of the farm.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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