1. Litvinenko Institute of Physical-Organic Chemistry and Coal Chemistry, 283114, Donetsk-114, Russia
Ethoxyamine derivatives of humic acids have been obtained by mechanochemical synthesis via the simultaneous interaction of humic acids with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG-6000 and PEG-1500) and an aminating reagent (urea, hydroperitum, or cyanoguanidine) in a vibrating apparatus. Reaction products have been characterized by IR spectroscopy, acid–base potentiometric titration, and viscometry. Tensiometric and rheological characteristics of the surface layers of solutions of salts of the synthesized derivatives of humic acids have been studied by the pendant drop and oscillating pendant drop methods. The solutions of the salts of ethoxyaminohumic acids have been found to exhibit a pronounced surface activity at the air–water interface. The experimental dependences of the viscoelastic modulus on the surface pressure and the concentration of the solutions of ethoxyaminohumic acid salts are in satisfactory agreement with the functions calculated in terms of the theoretical model of bimolecular adsorption. The presence of amino groups in the structure of ethoxyaminohumic acids predetermines their high solubility in the acidic pH region. The simultaneous incorporation of ethoxy and amino groups into humic acid macromolecules makes it possible to obtain a novel type of surfactants, which combine three functions, i.e., the functions of anionic, cationic, and nonionic surfactants.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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