Relaxor Ferroelectric PbNi1/3Ta2/3O3: Synthesis, Structure, Raman Spectra, and Dielectric Susceptibility


Levin A. A.1,Smirnova T. A.1,Obozova E. D.1,Zalesskii V. G.1,Fedoseev A. I.1,Lushnikov S. G.1


1. Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021, St. Petersburg, Russia


The structure of the relaxor ferroelectrics PbNi1/3Ta2/3O3 (PNT) was studied by powder X-ray diffraction. The measurements were performed at 313.5 ± 1 K using a powder, which was prepared by grinding PNT single crystals grown by the spontaneous crystallization. The structure refinement and the fitting of the simulated diffraction pattern to the experimental data were performed by the Rietveld method. It was demonstrated that the grown crystals of PNT have a perovskite structure (sp. gr. Pm3m (221), a = 4.02679(2) Å). Polarized Raman spectra of PNT were recorded at room temperature. The main modes of the light scattering spectra were assigned to the Е1 and А1 components of the transverse optical phonon (ТО1) and the А1 component of the longitudinal optical phonon (LO3). The temperature dependence of the dielectric susceptibility shows a broad frequency-dependent anomaly with a maximum at 89 К at a frequency of 1 kHz.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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