Person and social media: new value or devaluation of personality?


Kazhberova Varvara V.1ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The modern reality includes the social media: possibility of commenting, social networks, dating sites and reviews, thematic forums, wikipedia units. The number of users of such media is continuously increasing, especially the “explosive” growth has been observed in the last two years. Indeed, online communication is multifaceted, flexible, dynamic and satisfies many human needs. At the same time, the risk of personal devaluation increases many times, which becomes one of the key problems of modern society, its ethics and morality. As a result, against the background of global media processes (mediatization, digitalization, informatization), a number of professions are being desacralized, and at the individual level — the devaluation of the individual. These trends contradict the ideas of the modern media environment as a developed humanitarian space. The article contains possible ways to solve the identified problems: among them, creation the media skills, “eco-friendly” media products, improvement of technologies, specializations, norms and recommendations.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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