The Khubsugul Earthquake of January 12, 2021, <i>M<sub>L </sub></i>= 6.9, in the Seismicity Structure of the Tuva-Mongolian Block


Emanov A. F.1,Emanov A. A.12,Chechel’nitskii V. V.3,Shevkunova E. V.1,Fateev A. V.12,Kobeleva E. A.3,Arapov V. V.1,Frolov M. V.1


1. Altai–Sayan Branch, Federal Research Center Unified Geophysical Service, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum-Gas Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Baikal Branch, Federal Research Center Unified Geophysical Service, Russian Academy of Sciences


Abstract—The paper presents the studies of the Khuvsgul earthquake on January 11, 2021 at 21:32 UTC (January 12, 2021 at 05:32 local time), MW = 6.7, ML = 6.9, and the seismicity structure in the aftershock period for the Altai-Sayan mountain region and the Baikal rift zone, where the epicenter of this earthquake was located. Two faults are seismically activated, diverging from the southern end of the aftershock area at an acute angle: one in the northeast and one in the northwest direction, as well as transverse faults between them. According to the epicenter position and studies of the source area by other authors, the main event corresponds to the northeastern fault, and large aftershocks occurred at the junction of the northwestern fault with transverse faults feathering from the east. The main event was immediately followed by a series of large aftershocks, the strongest of which occurred on March 31, 2021 with ML = 6.2 and on May 3, 2021 with ML = 6.4. Spatial changes in the seismic regime of the aftershock region led to the predominant activity of its southern end. The junction area of the collisional structures of the Altai-Sayan folded zone and the rift structures of the Baikal depressions system is distinguished in seismicity as a block structure with increased seismicity near the block boundaries. First of all, these are the Tuva-Mongolian block and the eastern part of the Sayano-Tuva block. After the Khuvsgul earthquake of 2021, a block structure with the activation of the epicentral zones of the 1991 Busingol earthquake, the 2011–2012 Tuva earthquakes, and other structures seismically active until 2021 has increased seismic activity. It is proved that the 2014 Khubsgul earthquake occurred under the basin of the same name and is associated with other faults than the 2021 earthquake and is not a direct precursor of the 2021–2022 activation.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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