Theory of Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization of Single-Domain Grains


Shcherbakov V. P.1,Sycheva N. K.1


1. Borok Geophysical Observatory, Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth


Abstract—A new approach to the solution of kinetic equations describing the process of formation of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) is proposed, which made it possible to accelerate the numerical calculation of the process of formation of ARM by two orders of magnitude for uniaxial oriented non-interacting single-domain particles, while practically not yielding in accuracy to a strict numerical solution. It follows from the calculation results that the susceptibility of ARM is entirely determined by the magnitude of the particle’s coercivity parameter. The data of the previous approximate calculations of ARM value are compared with the exact results presented here and it is shown that the discrepancy between the exact data and the approximate estimates increases with the growth of g, but remains relatively small, within 23%. The proposed algorithm for the rapid calculation of kinetic equations allows us to analyze with physical rigor the method of pseudo-Thellier estimation of paleointensivity for an ensemble of single-domain particles, which is supposed to be done in subsequent works.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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