The Influence of Mining Operations on Seismic Activity of the Rocks in Underground Mines of the Khibiny Massif


Kagan M. M.1,Kozyrev A. A.1,Motorin A. Yu.23,Streshnev A. A.2


1. Mining Institute, Kola Science Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Kirovsk Branch of JSC Apatit

3. Geophysical Survey, Kola Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


The issues of the causes and factors of manifestation of seismic activity during the extraction of minerals in the deposits of the Khibiny massif, which are mined underground, are considered. Based on seismic monitoring data, groups of seismic activity were identified, such as seismicity in the working area, directly related to blasting and natural seismicity, related to other mining and geological factors. The difference in the characteristics of the manifestation of seismicity for these two groups of seismic events is shown.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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