Clustering of Electric Power Systems into Reliability Zones in Adequacy Assessment. Part 1


Krupenev D. S.1,Belyaev N. A.2,Boyarkin D. A.1


1. Melentiev Energy Systems Institute Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The article deals with the issue of clustering electric power systems (EPS) into reliability zones for the formation of energy calculation models (ECM) of EPS, designed to perform calculations of adequacy indicators. The substantiation of the ECM detailing depth is based on taking into account two EPS properties: reliability, namely, on the basis of calculated estimates of the limits of applicability of deterministic and probabilistic reliability criteria, and economy, namely, on the basis of a comparison of cost estimates of measures to ensure reliability. In the first part of the article, to solve the problem, it is proposed to use a number of engineering approaches that take into account the reliability and efficiency of the EPS. The experimental studies section presents the results of applying the proposed algorithms for the formation of the ECM of the unified energy system of Siberia.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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