Micromagnetic Calculations of the Domain Structure of Submicron- and Micron-Sized Magnetite Grains


Shcherbakov V. P.1,Sycheva N. K.1


1. Borok Geophysical Observatory of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The evolution of the domain structure (DS) of cubic submicron- and micron-sized magnetite particles has been studied in detail during “cooling” of specimens from the Curie temperature Тс to room temperature Тr followed by their “reheating” to Тс in order to determine the degree of irreversibility of DS changes during heat treatment and their possible effects on the thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) properties. It is shown that typical magnetic configurations in particles up to 2 μm in size have flower or vortex shapes with one or two vortices. A model of the formation of thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) in submicron-sized pseudo-single-domain particles (PSD) is proposed based on an expansion of Neel’s single-domain thermofluctuation model of TRM acquisition. According to the model, the equality of blocking and deblocking temperatures is retained for submicron PSD grains. Consequently, for this magnetic fraction, the Thellier laws of pTRM additivity and independence must also be valid.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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