1. Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Vladimir State University
This study estimates the impact level of storm microseisms on long-term gravimetric measurements. Gravimetric measurements were conducted at the Zapolskoe, Obninsk, and Murmansk sites using CG-5 Autograv relative gravity meters. Seismic measurements were carried out concurrently with gravimetric measurements at Zapolskoe. The analysis of these measurements demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing seismic data as control information to estimate the high-frequency noise component of gravimetric data. Based on the additional seismic information from the services of the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, the correspondence between the attenuation of the noise component in gravimetric measurements and the data from the modeled sensitive element of the gravimeter, which utilizes seismic series as an input, is identified. The first characterization of the storm-induced background noise of gravimetric measurements at the Murmansk site is obtained. Furthermore, the possibility of predicting measurement errors based on meteorological forecasts is refined, which can aid in the planning of gravimetric work.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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