Stress state of the Mars’ and Venus’ interior


Gudkova T.  V. 1,Batov A.  V. 2


1. Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences


It is shown that most of the epicenters of marsquakes are located in the zones of extension and fairly large shear stresses associated with the deviation of Mars from hydrostatic equilibrium. Non-hydrostatic stresses in the interior of Venus are calculated for two types of models: an elastic model and a model with a lithosphere of varying thickness (150–500 km) overlying a weakened layer that has partially lost its elastic properties. Numerical modeling of the system of elastic equilibrium equations for a gravitating planet is carried out with a step of 1°×1° in latitude and longitude up to a depth of 480 km – the first phase transition zone in the mantle. The topography and the gravitational field of the planet are the boundary conditions of the problem. Overall, the level of nonhydrostatic stress on Venus is not very high. On the surface and in the crust, the highest shear stresses are observed in the region of the Maxwell Monte on Ishtar Terra. Beneath the Maxwell Monte, shear stresses in the crust reach 80 MPa and compressive stresses, 125–150 MPa, depending on the model. Tensile stresses around this region are about 20 MPa. The highest tensile stresses occur in the regions beneath structures such as Lavinia Planitia, Sedna Planitia, and Aino Planitia.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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