Problem of the Boundary Control of Oscillations of a Sample of a Layered Two-Phase Composite Material


Egorova A. A.1,Shamaev A. S.2


1. MIREA–Russian Technological University, 119454, Moscow, Russia

2. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


We consider the problem of the boundary control of one-dimensional oscillations of an effective (averaged) medium corresponding to a two-phase medium consisting of periodically alternating layers of elastic and viscoelastic materials with long-term memory or various viscoelastic materials with Kelvin–Voigt friction and long-term memory. The averaged model is described by a boundary value problem for an integrodifferential equation. It is shown that for this model, it is impossible to bring oscillations to a state of rest in finite time (in contrast to the equation of string oscillations) by a force acting at one end of the band. A hypothesis is formulated on the possibility of bringing the specified object to a state of rest with the help of force effects distributed along the entire length of the object.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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